Monday, February 19, 2007

Here She Is!

All back and in full colour!

More decisions were made today, she will be having Spax shocks on all round, the hood is going to be replaced, the wheels are going to be a new set of powdercoated steels (the right size this time!), and a few other bits and bobs.


Showing the depth in the paint!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Audio System

Well, the time is nearly upon me to start making some decisions about how to finish off the project, as she is due back from the paint shop any day now!

The first thing i am thinking about is the audio system, despite the fact that it will not be done by David at ATS during the rebuild! (I am sure there are more important things i should be thinking about while she is with him, but for now this is where my attention lies!)

When driving her a couple of summers ago (for that fact, the ONLY summer i have driven her!) i decided that the stereo system in her was rubbish, and i like good quality sound, and usually at a high volume, which didn't agree with the then sound setup.

So I am looking at the possibility of installing a 'parcel shelf' type arrangement behind the seats, and about 3/4 the way up the panel located in front of the petrol tank.

This shelf will have to be made from scratch (not too difficult, as I am a carpenter by trade), as I am not aware of anything like that being made for the Spitfire, but if you know better, please let me know!

In said shelf I hope to include a pair of 6"x9"'s.

I am thinking about replacing the front speakers too, but may look at moving them to a more suitable location, where I am not too sure, but I haven't really thought about it yet.

The stereo is a Sony X-Plod CD front loader, and should run the 6x9's with no trouble at all, i hope!

(sorry, no pics this time!)