Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Welcome Home!

Well, on Friday the 25th May 2007, Delilah rolled happily along the A143 to Bury St Edmunds, and finally to her nice clean garage at her new home! (I've moved house since she went for rebuild!)

The drive itself was pretty uneventful, although I'd forgotten what it was like to drive a car with no brakes, that is when compared to a modern car! Unfortunately the weather wasn't very good for the journey, so the hood had to stay on, but I did manage to take her out later that evening with the hood down, which was what I'd been waiting to do!

Overall I am very happy with how the car looks, sounds (that exhaust is fantastic, it really turns heads, and I love the burble!!!), drives (apart from the fact that I have to get used to driving with no brakes!!), and every thing else about her!

The guys that put in the wrench time on her have really done a fantastic job, and the quality of the work is a credit to them, their abilities, and their passion about the Triumph marque.

There are still a few bits that I would like to do/have done on Delilah, but they will happen as a gradual process, and probably over this coming winter. The only major change in her since i brought her home is that as I couldn't hear the music in the car on the way home, I decided to install some speakers in the rear panel behind the seats. Sounds a hell of a lot better, and doesn't look bad either!

Thank you to everyone that has participated in the rebuild of Delilah, and if any of you wish to provide me with your or your full company details, I will happily place some information on the car around the show circuit this year, as I hope to make it to a few over the next few months!

Basically thats it for the rebuild section of the Blog now, but do keep checking back for the few remaining bits that will be done, and also I will be posting the events up that I will be attending here, so if you feel inclined, please pop along to the shows, and you can see for yourself just how good a job these guys have done!

Please let me know what you think, or if you have any questions, by posting in the comment section of this post!

Thanks to everyone, and best regards,


Monday, May 21, 2007

The Finish Line Is In Sight!!!

The finishing line is now in sight with Delilah's rebuild!!

She is due to have her MOT on Wednesday this week, and i should be collecting her on Friday afternoon!!

Popped up to David today to sort out a couple of bits, and took some pics of the interior as it is going in. Pretty cool i thought! Love that dashboard!

Check back on friday evening for a post-collection report!


Monday, May 14, 2007

The Paint Booth!

A bit backwards in terms of posting order, but Eddie, the gent that painted that fantastic blue colour on her, sent me through some of the pictures he took during the painting process, so here they all are for your enjoyment!

If you want to talk to Eddie regarding any work, either full re-sprays or other work, please call him on: C & E Cars, Tel: 07979 035528.

Top job here in my opinion, and just to clarify, these pictures have NOT been edited at all, they are as taken, so any shine is due to the lighting in the booth, and not playing in photoshop or any other programme!

Nice one Eddie!

With the quality of paint on Delilah, and the level of work that David and the guys at Anglian Triumph Services have been putting in, I really think that Delilah will come out of all this work an absolutley incredible car. I am very appreciative of the quality work that everyone has out in here, and would like to publicly thank everyone!

If you would like to see the car in the flesh, when she is finished that is, keep your eye on this blog, as i will be posting up the events that i will be going to in the summer with her, along with some pictures of her at said shows. I would love to see you and to hear your comments in person! (I may even take you for a spin if you ask nicely!)

Enjoy the pics, and leave me some comments!!


Friday, March 02, 2007

Before & During

Got a new toy a couple of days ago to go with my new camera, so i decided to have a play with the pictures I have of Delilah to do a before and during photo.

Quite a difference really!

Will probably do some more comparables when the work is all done!


Monday, February 19, 2007

Here She Is!

All back and in full colour!

More decisions were made today, she will be having Spax shocks on all round, the hood is going to be replaced, the wheels are going to be a new set of powdercoated steels (the right size this time!), and a few other bits and bobs.


Showing the depth in the paint!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Audio System

Well, the time is nearly upon me to start making some decisions about how to finish off the project, as she is due back from the paint shop any day now!

The first thing i am thinking about is the audio system, despite the fact that it will not be done by David at ATS during the rebuild! (I am sure there are more important things i should be thinking about while she is with him, but for now this is where my attention lies!)

When driving her a couple of summers ago (for that fact, the ONLY summer i have driven her!) i decided that the stereo system in her was rubbish, and i like good quality sound, and usually at a high volume, which didn't agree with the then sound setup.

So I am looking at the possibility of installing a 'parcel shelf' type arrangement behind the seats, and about 3/4 the way up the panel located in front of the petrol tank.

This shelf will have to be made from scratch (not too difficult, as I am a carpenter by trade), as I am not aware of anything like that being made for the Spitfire, but if you know better, please let me know!

In said shelf I hope to include a pair of 6"x9"'s.

I am thinking about replacing the front speakers too, but may look at moving them to a more suitable location, where I am not too sure, but I haven't really thought about it yet.

The stereo is a Sony X-Plod CD front loader, and should run the 6x9's with no trouble at all, i hope!

(sorry, no pics this time!)